The age old dream is still very much the same today! Everyone dreams of owning a perfect home. But the significance is huge. It takes a lot of money, financial smartness and patience to zero in on the perfect little home.
Tiny homes are the norm today with real estate prices in urban areas being quite high. So, a large amount of planning is required to buy even a tiny home. There being no standardization in the qualification of a tiny home, we can safely call the homes with a total space of less than 500 square feet a tiny home.

Government incentives to buy a Tiny Home
There is a lot of incentivization by the government towards buying a first home in the form of tax deductions, lower registry costs, and various schemes are launched regularly to encourage builders to build affordable housing.. Loans are more easily available and are more affordable.
Documentation is easier and accessibility is enhanced. Most governments today are working towards affordable, sustainable and low cost housing to accommodate more and more of the masses.
Low cost of living
The family sizes are shrinking and the need for larger homes is shrinking along with it. Smaller families need lesser space. The cost of heating/cooling the house is also significantly lower than conventional housing. Also housekeeping costs are small. It is definitely easier to clean and maintain a compact space which is essentially clutter free. If there is limited space it is important that everything has a place and there is no clutter.
A group of citizens is slowly but surely moving towards a simpler, clutter free lifestyle. Repair and maintenance is a fraction of the cost of maintaining a large home. A large saving is made in the time needed to maintain a tiny house. And don’t we all agree, time saved is money saved! It is a sure fire way towards sustainability and self sufficiency.
Owners of Tiny homes are often holders of Masters Degrees and more aware than conventional home owners, They are also more likely to be debt free as they have a lower cost to repay on their homes and save substantially on their living costs.
Design and interiors
The design and interiors of a tiny house is often striking and versatile. Vertical space is utilized with a lot of innovation and intelligence. The furniture and appliances are often multi-purpose and multi-functional. The latest technology is generally in use as more cutting edge innovations are regularly upgrading the furniture, appliances, etc.
For example we now see a seven way sofa which functions like a bed, a couch, a sofa, a storage space and even a settee. The impact in visual terms is stunning as it is mind boggling that all the features of a large housing space are contained in a tiny unit without compromising on design and function.
Environmental significance of Tiny Homes
Another very significant impact of these tiny but smart homes is that the environmental damages are minimized. We create a smaller carbon footprint by less energy usage. Less material is used to build and maintain a tiny house.

Most smart Tiny homes are also green homes, with use of renewable energy, water conservation tools and are generally owned by people who are more inclined to live not only in a tiny house but also a Tiny life. Simple, sustainable living also gives these Tiny home owners freedom to pursue other dreams and aspirations.
We have already mentioned the Tiny living is also a state of mind! Materialistic and superfluous aspirations are minimum and simplicity rules. This also translates to more money in the bank!
Types of Tiny Homes
Tiny homes could be a fixed space structure rooted like conventional homes. They are tiny in size and functional in design. They are also projected as affordable housing for the masses. People displaced by natural disasters have been afforded these tiny homes by governments. Also the people who lost their homes in calamities like the hurricane Katrina have benefitted by the Tiny home movement.
Mobile homes are also classified as tiny homes. They are also called Trailer homes or caravans.they come in various types and are factory made. Prefabricated homes are built on Chassis which are fitted as a motor driven home. These can be parked on special sites reserved for them.
Traditionally they are used as camping holiday homes. But their acceptance is rapidly growing in the people who want to travel extensively or are addicted to adventure. These are a little riskier than fixed homes and may incur higher insurance charges as they are more vulnerable to the elements and accidents.
Infact an experimental trailer home that can be folded and ctowed by a bicycle is touted as the next big adventure in the coming years. Trials have already begun. All who crave adventure keep your wallets ready!
Cons of Tiny Homes
Tiny house can also have a not so attractive downside. They can be built in a shoddy manner and can pose living standard issues; this could be because builders do not generally make too much profit out of this type of construction.
And, with commercial; builders becoming more and more profit oriented this could be a major issue in the coming years. Prefabricated housing could be of inferior quality and can raise structural issues in coming years, forcing tiny home owners to spend substantially on repairs and maintenance.
Neighbors may not look too kindly upon tiny home owners, as their social aspiration do not match. There could be unexpected consequences if property rates fall due to the vicinity of cheaper housing.
Mobile homes may generate a large amount of pollution. They may also have legal implications if they park in unauthorized areas and create nuisance. Some home owners may be negligient about maintenance, defeating the entire concept in totality.