Installing siding on a home is a significant investment. Fortunately, it shows that not only does a homeowner place a lot of value on how their home looks to the world, but what he thinks of it. Whether a homeowner installs the siding himself or chooses to hire a contractor, some important things should be kept in mind.

What follows is a short list of things that every homeowner should keep in mind about siding installation and how it should be done. Anyone who has further questions would do well to check out on the web.
Count the Cost
If there’s one thing to say about siding, it’s not cheap. On the other hand, there are so many types of siding available that it is a buyer’s market for making choices. A wise siding buyer will take advantage of this by shopping around for the best deal.
Just as is the case with any purchase, many contractors might be willing to make you a deal to get the work, but don’t try to take advantage of them. You want to hire a contractor who wants to look out for his customers, not someone they think might be trying to con them.
Before a homeowner makes any commitment to a contractor, they should be completely aware of all the project costs. This includes such things as materials, labor, and others. As much as possible, all the contingencies should be laid bare on the table before a contract is signed. The smaller the room for contract changes, the better.
Beware of Subtleties
Any homeowner trying to decide on a particular siding for their home should be aware of subtleties in designs and patterns that might reappear when a truck full of materials arrives. Try to remember what the materials were like and any patterns in the samples, so you don’t get stuck with something you don’t like or something different from what you think you agreed to.
Even if a homeowner has no plans to sell at the time work is done, it’s good to keep in mind what the sales ramifications of a choice might be. For example, a homeowner might have had lifelong fantasies of living in a basketball orange-colored house, but if they end up having to sell, good luck.
Don’t be Surprised by Structural Problems
When it comes to siding, what the homeowner doesn’t know can hurt them. This is especially true when it pertains to structural problems. In many cases, the issues that exist with a home can show through siding, but in many cases, it doesn’t. As a result, most contractors will do their level best to find out if there are any structural problems underneath existing siding and bring them to a homeowner’s attention.
In some cases, however, underlying structural issues might come as a complete surprise to the contractor, so he will probably need to revise his estimate. Whatever happens in this regard, be prepared. And remember that the change in plans is not necessarily the contractor’s fault.
One of the best ways a homeowner can prepare for these kinds of problems is to build contingencies into the original estimate. In all likelihood, the contractor will be willing to provide this or talk to a homeowner about it. It might be good to hire a certified, tech-savvy home inspector before getting an estimate on the siding.
This will provide an independent look at what the contractor might be in for when he arrives. It will also serve as protection if an inspector finds no problems, but a contractor ends up loading his estimate with extra “repairs.”
Watch Out for Differences
Before a homeowner decides on the design of the siding he wants, it’s always good to take a good look at the neighborhood to make sure that what is selected fits with the look of other homes. Being different is fine, but not if it stands out in a bad way. A homeowner should pick something that represents themselves, but blends in with the overlook look of other houses
Consider Maintenance Costs and Effort
The cost of the initial sliding is important, but the cost of maintaining that siding also needs to be considered. And besides the financial cost of maintenance is the cost in terms of time that will need to be dedicated to rendering that maintenance. If these items aren’t included in the initial consideration, it might be good to think twice before committing to anything.
Consider Durability
Close on the heels of considering maintenance costs of siding options is the durability of the selected products. This is something that most homeowners don’t know of, and as a result, it falls through the cracks–no pun intended–later on. Any homeowner who doesn’t consider themselves experts on siding should either ask lots of questions before hiring a contractor or avail themselves of other experts before they make any selections.
When to Install Siding
After selecting a qualified and experienced contractor, another important consideration is when the job should begin. The most obvious answer is, of course, whenever the homeowner wants it to start, but there are other considerations.
These include signs that might indicate it’s time for new siding, such as when the paint starts to chip or fade, siding might be a good solution. Siding can also be useful for a homeowner who is experiencing drafts inside the house or issues with heat loss in the wintertime or keeping the house cool in the summer. In these cases, siding is a great way to “envelope” a home for a more reasonable and stable electricity bill.
It should be obvious that this time, there are many things to keep in mind when it comes to installing siding on any home. Fortunately, for a property owner to consider their comfort level, all of these issues will result in the smartest buying decision. Once this is made, a homeowner should be very pleased with the results.