Interior Design terms definition by homedecorbuzz

21 Basic Interior Design Terms, Definitions One Should Know

If you are going to hire and interior designer, then you must know these basic interior designing terminologies along with their definitions to understand and communicate properly with the designer. There are certain words and terms that decorators use but you might not familiar with them.

Hence Homedecorbuzz has brought a list of interior designing terms that can help you while conversing with designer.

Interior Design terms definition by homedecorbuzz
Interior design terms

Terms related interior design

1. Ambient: A space that utilizes inherent, environmental conditions.

2. Antique: Decorative elements that are 100 years older.

3. Artistic: A design style that is unstructured and surprising.

4. Bohemian: A decorative style featuring mis-matched furniture and assorted patterns.

5. Chic: Design term use for “trust me, you’ll like it.”

6. Clean: A pared down minimalistic style without clutter or frills.

7. Collected: Spaces that are decorated with unique pieces acquired over time.

8. Contemporary: Style of the present time period.

9. Contrast: A decorative style that utilizes different tones, surfaces or textures.

10. Curated: Design that is thought-out and sometime drawn from history.

11. Elevated: Something that’s kicked up a notch or taken to another level in design or style.

12. Focal Point: An item that draws the viewers eye or generates interest.

13. Honest: Described a space that is allowed to breathe; not contrived.

14. Layered: Building interest through various levels of elements.

15. Mid-Century Modern: A decorative style from the 1940s characterized by clean lines.

16. Monochrome: A color scheme built around one color or values of one tone.

17. Moody: A style that incorporates dark layers and mixed textures.

18. Retro: While not necessarily old something that references style from the past.

19. Tailored: An element that has been customized for the space.

20. Tinted: Variation of single color mixed with white.

21. Vintage: Design elements that are old between 10 and 100 years.

Do you any other term related to interior designing you don’t know or feel uncomfortable when talks with designer? If yes, then drop it in comments, we try to come up with proper solution.

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